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The evolution of Girmit from back in 1807 when colonisation and slavery were popular and common for the sake of trade. The story of the indentured labourers and how they managed to fight the odds to get their freedom  in 1920 would have gone untold to this current gen if Girmit in multidimensional space did not come to existence.

The times when slavery took its height of struggles to far away lands and paving a way to exploitation of culture, language and individuals freedom has been portrayed through Girmit. The 360 degree/ multidimensional VR setup of storytelling would help the observers to get the complete ‘look and feel’ about the Girmit and get oneself teleported to 1807. To recreate the scenes and scenarios along with the narration has made this even more realistic. 

As a person from the Global South it is very essential to emphasise on these types of stories which may not be very popular like the myths or fantasies which run down the tradition. It is very important that the present generation know about the evolution of their country and sacrifices made by their ancestors. The youth must be made aware about what the previous generation had to go through inorder to witness and enjoy the freedom for what we have now. 

Furthermore, as a Spatial Cadetz utilising technology like that of GenieMo in collaboration with PlayLa.bZ has given the confidence to storytellers about how indigenous stories can be revived and give the user experience with the actual setup in real time. In order to take this to a wider audience or natives, localisation of these stories is also important for further reach and inspire many to relate with their life events. All in all, Girmit ultimately touches the essential parts of life in various nuances and it is an example for the modern technologists/creators to understand how the digital creations can get closer to give the humane touch,”technology for social good”.

Bhuvana Meenakshi Koteeswaran

Social Media Community Officer

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